Start your apprenticeship in high school
Head Start is a new and flexible approach to apprenticeships and traineeships for school students.
Designed in consultation with industry, the program helps students kickstart their career by developing the hands-on skills and experience that employers need. Students spend more time doing valuable, paid, on-the-job training while completing high school.

Head Start students generally undertake one day a week paid employment in Year 10, 2 days a week in Year 11 and 3 days a week in Year 12 (which can be completed over 2 years).
There are 12 clusters of participating schools across Victoria working to deliver Head Start in partnership with employers and training providers.
The Head Start program(opens in a new window) ensures:
- strong support for students and employers
- quality training through TAFEs and Skills First contracted providers
- career pathways for students into priority industries
- payment of training wage in line with the Fair Work Act
- completion of a trade qualification, or significant progress towards that goal.