Apprenticeships Taskforce final report
The Apprenticeships Taskforce was set up to find ways to improve the training and working experience for apprentices, trainees and their employers.
The Apprenticeships Taskforce has submitted its final report to Government. The report contains 16 recommendations and 3 supporting actions.
All the recommendations are supported either in full or in principle.
- The Government has resolved to support 7 of the Taskforce’s recommendations in full.
- It supports the remaining 9 recommendations in principle. Further consultation will be undertaken before acting on these recommendations.
The Taskforce’s recommendations and the Government’s Response are set out below.
The work of the Taskforce
In July 2023, the Victorian Government announced the establishment of the Apprenticeships Taskforce (the Taskforce) to improve safety and fairness for apprentices and trainees in workplaces across the State and ensure they have a successful start to their career. This was in response to increasing evidence of harms to apprentices and trainees from bullying, harassment, unsafe workplaces, wage-theft and six workplace fatalities (from October 2018).
Chaired by Sharan Burrow AC, the taskforce responds to an election commitment and was constituted of members with direct knowledge of the apprenticeship and traineeship system and representing employers, employees, and government departmental representatives.
The Taskforce consulted widely across the system but centred its focus on the lived experience of apprentices and trainees. To do this, the Taskforce was supported by The Apprentice and Trainee Reference Group (the Reference Group) consisting of apprentices and trainees from across Victoria and representing a diverse range of cohorts, occupations and training statuses.
The Taskforce’s Report makes 16 recommendations to the Victorian Government to improve Victoria’s apprenticeship and traineeship system, in line with the Taskforce’s overall vision of a modernised system with improved outcomes for all apprentices and trainees.
The recommendations are grouped into three broad themes:
- Improvements to the safeguarding ecosystem, including reform of support arrangements and improving regulatory coordination.
- Changes to the regulatory framework, including changes to the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) (ETRA), and how it is administered and enforced by the regulator.
- Additional support to improve retention and completion rates for apprentices and trainees as they journey through the system.
The Taskforce has also identified 3 ‘supporting actions’ which are value-adding observations, beyond the direct remit of the Taskforce that could bolster the apprenticeship and traineeship system more broadly.
The Taskforce’s recommendations were achieved through consensus between employer and union representatives demonstrating a practical example of the benefits of social dialogue and tripartism, one of the Victorian Government’s policies to achieve greater collaboration, productivity and workplace harmony.
The Government’s response
The Taskforce was introduced to improve the safety and quality of apprenticeships and traineeships for apprentices, trainees and their employers. The Government supports these objectives and sees progressive implementation of the recommendations as a means of improving the apprenticeship and traineeship system for all users.
The Victorian Government accepts the reform direction put forth by the Taskforce’s report and recommendations. All recommendations are supported in full or in principle as set out below. The Victorian Government is dedicated to supporting improvements to Apprenticeships. Under the system stewardship of Apprenticeships Victoria and the support of Industrial Relations Victoria, the Victorian Government will commence work to implement the supported recommendations and to develop detailed policy and funding proposals for recommendations where their implementation requires further consideration. The recommendations and response to each are listed below along with a note on implementation and further considerations.
These reforms will complement the very significant investment made by the Victorian Government in improving the TAFE system and its long-term support for the Apprenticeship Support Officer program.
Guide to the response
This response has been informed by the Guidelines for Victorian Government Submissions and Responses to Inquiries, although they do not formally apply in this case. The following key sets out the categories of response.
Support in full: all elements of the recommendation are supported
Support in principle: the Victorian Government generally supports the intent and merit of the recommendation, and will undertake further work on funding and implementation considerations
Continue below to the list of recommendations and the Government response
Government response and comment
Recommendation 1
Mandate data sharing processes and regular meetings between regulators, initially through consistent statements of expectation requirements for all relevant regulators and then through regulatory reform.
Support in full
The Victorian Government fully supports this recommendation. The Minister for Skills and TAFE will update the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority’s (VRQA) Statement of Expectations and with the support of Apprenticeships Victoria begin work to facilitate collaboration with other regulators and to consider options for regulatory reform as required.
Further funding provided to Apprenticeships Victoria through the 2024/25 State Budget will allow it to continue its stewardship of the apprenticeship and traineeship system, including overseeing early implementation activity across the breadth of the Taskforce’s recommendations.
Recommendation 2
Integrate the Commonwealth managed Unique Student Identifier (USI) with Victorian apprenticeship systems and data to establish a more accurate accounting of completion rates, more effectively track apprentices’ and trainees’ journey through the system and facilitate better coordination of supports across the system.
Support in full
The Victorian Government fully supports this recommendation noting Apprenticeships Victoria will immediately begin consultation with the Commonwealth Government to implement it.
Recommendation 3
Streamline and strengthen collaboration of Commonwealth Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers and Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASOs) to minimise duplication and support a system wide approach to Apprenticeship and Traineeship supports, where possible extending to industry partners and education providers.Support in full
The Victorian Government fully supports this recommendation noting the need to reduce duplication across State and Commonwealth apprenticeship supports.
Apprenticeships Victoria will immediately begin consultation with the Commonwealth Government to give effect to this recommendation.
Recommendation 4
Establish a central helpdesk as a single point of contact for information, guidance, and case management of complaints across multiple authorities
Support in full, subject to an evaluation of the implementation approach, following the trial
The Victorian Government recognises the benefit that a single contact point may provide for apprentices.
Funding is being provided for a two-year trial of a help-desk with an evaluation of the implementation approach and ongoing suitability of the model.
Noting that demand for the service is unknown at this stage and that the ongoing regulatory environment for apprentices is likely to change, continuation of the Help Desk beyond the trial period is dependent on a successful program evaluation and further consideration in a future State Budget process.
Recommendation 5
Increase ASO numbers in stages (with the first stage to support the Helpdesk) to ensure apprentices and trainees are adequately supported, particularly those not captured by specialist support services offered under new proposed AASN arrangements
Support in principle
As noted in response to recommendations 3 and 4, the Victorian Government supports a trial help-desk and working with the Commonwealth to reduce duplication with ASSN supports.
The Victorian Government will examine the case for further ASO support, beyond the initial investment it has made in the Help Desk, following delivery of recommendations 3 and 4. This will allow for the evaluation of the Helpdesk, and for consultation to understand the full impact of the revised AASN arrangements to ensure any overlap is minimal.
Any further funding for ASOs is subject to consideration in a future State budget process.
Recommendation 6
Provide information sheets at commencement to clarify roles, rights, responsibilities and expectations as well as provide contemporary information across the life of an apprenticeship or traineeship
Support in full
The Victorian Government fully supports this recommendation and has provided funding for Apprenticeships Victoria to develop and trial information sheets across several key industries. Continuation of the program beyond the trial period depends on a successful program evaluation and further assessment of what resources are needed to implement this recommendation beyond the initial investment.
Recommendation 7
Part 1 | Establish an independent VET and Apprenticeship and Traineeship Regulator, supported by a permanent industry consultative committee inclusive of business and union representatives.
Part 2 | Provide additional immediate support for VRQA to manage the transition, including a more proactive education and compliance monitoring approach in high-risk sectors (particularly construction and associated supply chains)
Part 1 – Support in principle
Part 2 – Support in principle
The Victorian Government accepts the Taskforce’s recommendation for a more dedicated regulatory focus to improve outcomes for apprentices and trainees. The Victorian Government will pursue reform of the Apprenticeship and Traineeship regulator through consideration of the transfer of apprenticeship regulatory functions from the VRQA to the Wage Inspectorate Victoria and will ensure the most effective and efficient model is delivered.
The Government’s support of Part 1 of this recommendation is contingent on legislative change to give effect to the establishment of any new body and the associated governance arrangements. It should also be noted that any change will need to follow the usual legislative process, involving further stakeholder consultation and consideration by Government and Parliament, which may involve changes as appropriate though this process.
The Victorian Government will consider additional resourcing for the regulator, following further policy consideration and consultation with the regulator to ensure that any resourcing provided is consistent with the purpose and vision of any new regulatory function contemplated in Part 1. Part 2 of this recommendation will be considered in a future State Budget process.
Recommendation 8
Modernise the Education and Training Reforms Act 2006 (ETRA) to clarify objectives, enhance safeguards and oversight, and improve system outcomes:
- Amend the regulator’s purpose to include an apprenticeship-specific objective that emphasises a role in promoting safety and quality
- Define key terms in the Act to provide clarity about regulated entities and co-regulators
- Introduce an employer registration scheme using risk-based registration criteria and allowing for additional obligations on employers
- Introduce common outcome-based employer standards that provide for:
- Safety of the workplace (cultural, physical and psychological)
- Supervision
- Quality of training
- Mentoring and support for apprentices
- Introduce new powers and tools to monitor and enforce compliance and undertake investigations with associated appeals mechanisms and allowing for joint and several responsibility at shared worksites
- Enhance oversight of training contracts
- Enhance use of training plans to promote quality
- Add provisions to facilitate sharing of information between regulators and oversight entities
- Introduce additional reporting requirements on the Regulator.
Support in principle
The Victorian Government accepts that the legislation governing the regulation of apprentices and trainees is out of date and needs to be modernised.
The Victorian Government will modernise the Education and Training Reforms Act 2006 (ETRA) in line with this recommendation, subject to further policy consideration of specific amendments.
The final legislation is subject to the usual legislative process, involving further stakeholder consultation and consideration by Government and Parliament, which may involve changes as appropriate though this process.
Recommendation 9
Legislatively provide for the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Regulator to define apprenticeships and traineeships for the purpose of new qualifications following consultation with unions and industry
Support in principle
The Victorian Government supports this recommendation, noting that it will be considered further alongside Recommendations 7 and 8, and is also subject to the usual legislative process, involving further stakeholder consultation and consideration by Government and Parliament, which may involve changes as appropriate though this process.
Recommendation 10Provide support legislatively or administratively for new employers and those who may otherwise not be able to comply with new requirements to meet standards via Group Training Organisation (GTO) ‘lite’ services
Support in principle
The Victorian Government will consider implementation of a GTO lite model, subject to an appropriate funding model being developed in response to Recommendation 11.
The legislative element of this recommendation will be considered simultaneously with Recommendation 8, and is subject to the usual legislative process, involving further stakeholder consultation and consideration by Government and Parliament, which may involve changes as appropriate though this process.
Recommendation 11
Working with industry, ensure the benefit of education and support for new employers and those transitioning to the new regulatory standards (including access to time limited GTO-lite options) is achieved under the new regulator through the consideration of an appropriate and affordable funding policy*
Support in principle
The Victorian Government notes the Taskforce’s finding that a more supportive approach to compliance is needed, including additional assistance for employers. A funding model to provide this additional assistance will depend on further work to understand the future structure and costs of the regulator.
A funding model to provide this additional assistance will depend on further work to understand the future structure and costs of the regulator.
A funding model will therefore be considered in parallel with developing options for the regulator and new legislation. This work will include examining the viability of a co--contribution model, as well as best practice approaches in other jurisdictions.
The Victorian Government acknowledges the efforts made by businesses, industry and unions to support the regulation of apprenticeships and will give further consideration of a funding model in parallel with the development of options for the regulator and new legislation.
As noted above in relation to the other recommendations requiring legislative change, support is subject to further stakeholder consultation and consideration by Government and Parliament, which may involve changes as appropriate though this process.
Recommendation 12Establish a ‘gender equity employer list’ to assist female apprentices to find supportive employers –
Stage 1: Establish an initial employer voluntary pledge for those that; commit to: employing women, provide appropriate hygiene facilities, provide uniforms appropriate for women and ensure support onsite or offsite
Stage 2: A recognition program that includes assessment of applications and audit of employers’ workplaces
Stage 1: Support in full
Stage 2: Support in principle
The Victorian Government supports in full immediate action to implement Stage 1 of this recommendation, noting the Taskforce heard concerning accounts of harassment from female apprentices who made it overwhelmingly clear that they are not confident of a safe and inclusive workplace environment, particularly in the traditional trades.
Implementation of Stage 2 will be informed by an assessment of the costs and benefits of implementing stage 1. There are a number of existing Victorian Government policies and programs that seek to improve gender equality and outcomes for women apprentices and for women in the construction industry, such as:
- The Women in Construction Strategy (WIC Strategy); and
- The Building Equality Policy (BEP)
These will be considered when implementing stage 2.
Recommendation 13
Develop a financial package of support for Apprentices and Trainees including options to address the initial burden of fees on apprentices and trainees, support for debt recovery measures for TAFEs and free public transport
Support in principle
The Victorian Government acknowledges that many apprentices and trainees struggle financially.
Apprenticeships Victoria will undertake further consultation to examine ways to lower the financial burden of fees and transport costs on apprentices and trainees, with a view to developing detailed proposals for government consideration. All options will be examined alongside those suggested by the Taskforce, with a view to providing relief in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Should government funding be required, implementation would be considered in a future State Budget process.
Recommendation 14
Advocate to the Commonwealth to lift wages to minimum rates of pay along with consideration of appropriate support for employers, improve standardisation across awards, provide a Commonwealth Health Card and consider improvements to rental support
Support in full
The Victorian Government supports this recommendation in full, noting that many of the methods for providing financial incentives to apprentices and trainees identified by the Taskforce are the responsibility of the Commonwealth, including responsibility for Australia’s national system of workplace laws.
In March 2024 the Victorian Government submitted to the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) Annual Wage Review (AWR) 2023-24 that the FWC should consider carefully longstanding structures for low paid groups such as both youth and adult apprentices and trainees and whether those structures continue to meet the modern award objective and the minimum wage objective.
The Victorian Government will continue advocate to lift apprentice wages through submissions to relevant inquiries, including the FWC AWR.
The Victorian Government will strongly advocate for the Commonwealth to act on the measures outlined by the Taskforce, including through submissions to relevant inquiries, such as to the FWC AWR.
Recommendation 15
Promote a pipeline of quality TAFE trade teachers with early provision of Training and Education (TAE) Certification (ensuring work experience requirements are met) throughout industry career lifecycles, seeking short secondments or sessional arrangement from employers for onsite and offsite specialist training, and developing a dedicated ‘bridge to retirement’ for workers seeking a change of roles
Support in principle
The Victorian Government will consider further measures to improve the pipeline of TAFE trade teachers in critical areas, including utilising the capacity and expertise of existing Victorian departments and agencies.
The Victorian Government supports in principle that more needs to be done to find solutions to workforce shortages impacting the pipeline of TAFE trade teachers and will progress work and consultation to develop detailed proposals.
The Government will consider how to implement this recommendation including by assessing what resources are needed to implement this recommendation and undertake further policy work to develop detailed policy proposals, in consultation with industry, unions and business.
Recommendation 16
Support apprentices and trainees to access small business skills and support pathways to licensing where required in their final year to better prepare apprentices for their future.
Support in principle
The Victorian Government will consider further measures to improve access to the skills identified by the Taskforce including utilising the capacity and expertise of existing Victorian departments and agencies.
The Victorian Government supports in principle action to address the gap identified by the Taskforce and will work with TAFE’s and other training organisations to identify options and develop detailed proposals, including by assessing what resources are needed to implement this recommendation.
*Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has registered its opposition to this recommendation.
Government response
Supporting Action 1 | Actively promote apprenticeships and traineeships as attractive career paths by:
- Promoting apprenticeships in schools
- Promoting pre-apprenticeships
- Identifying recruitment sites
- Coordinating reforms with the HeadStart program
Noted, this action will be considered concurrently with the implementation of recommendations. Supporting Action 2 | Explore opportunities to provide ongoing mentoring support Noted, this action will be considered concurrently with the implementation of recommendations. Supporting Action 3 | Establish ongoing formal consultation with apprentices and trainees Noted, this action will be considered concurrently with the implementation of recommendations.